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Radka Čapková - učitelka ITG

Mgr. Radka Čapková

Teacher of Humanities and Foreign languages

consulting hours: Tuesday 11:15 am - 12:15 pm or by mutual agreement

I graduated from the Faculty of Education at Charles University, majoring in Teaching for the 2nd and 3rd Grade: Czech Language and History and I completed state exams in English and Spanish.

Starting as a teacher, I later found myself working for Interpol and then for the Criminal Police in Prague, where I dealt with the international search for missing children and wanted persons.

Then I have just simply decided to join a team of like-minded, creative and active people to build a new school with them. "School should primarily be a guide for pupils in the modern-day flood of data, ever-changing rules and exceptions, and to teach everything with integrity and causality, and what is needed and useful for today's world and real life."

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